martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013


Today I want to discharge the year 2013, bad year that was burdened in the history like one of the worst that our common history has lived, so pushed for I want to wish it that almost magic tonight it liberates us of all the wrongs that he has already brought us this almost finite 2013. 

Pity that there is the hour of wanting happiness doesn't seem that neither all Spain wants it, neither for them neither for other, this it is the but in our way of to be that punishes, so today been able to there are to read presidents' of communities sublime declarations, thrown opaque and cowards threats to another of his, making that yes honor to its gentleman that punishes, good neither I believe that he has in my hand all the reasons that it takes them to make that they make, maybe I cannot guess how many "silver" currencies they receive in exchange for still making the dirtiest work of which already makes its gentleman. 

It is not only this a newspaper he has also been devoted to publish a unreasonableness  so without reason as that "a Catalan political party closes the year with almost a ten of imputations" important news truth with this that they get, because I tell it to him, they simply demonstrate that in volume Catalonia is smaller than Spain, because that are a dozen of imputations, how many they only have undoubtedly the parties that govern us Spain, if what you/they seek us that is to say that that Catalonia is smaller than since Spain is worth. 

Good and the last one is to take place for some TV the year end already toasting with beer you that they will tell me that it is publicity and that who pays it orders, but of that to that he believes it to me such a big abyss he goes as the one that you this opening up among us, at least they could toast with French Champagne and not to remove them the good pleasure to the Spaniards that don't have the blame of its political semantic stupidities. 

Well in all ways happy night good friends Spanish fellow citizens and make I marry they toast with champagne one doesn't also to ruin the palate and the party, we in Catalonia thanks to god will take the dinner with Albariño for the shellfish with a Rivera of the Duero for the appetizers, with a Rioja for the fillet and finally we will toast with a good one Cava Catalan. And they know that I tell them because that they didn't remove us the party no matter how much they attempt it


Hoy quiero despedir el año 2013, mal año que quedara gravado en la historia como uno de los peores que nuestra historia común haya vivido , así que empujado por ello quiero desear que esta noche,casi mágica,nos libere de todos los males que nos ha traído este ya casi finito 2013.

Lástima que ha la hora de desear felicidad no parece que ni toda España la quiera, ni para ellos ni para otros, este es el sino de nuestra forma de ser, que pena, así que hoy hemos podido leer declaraciones sublimes de presidentes de comunidades, lanzado opacas y cobardes amenazas a otro de los suyos, haciendo eso sí honor a su señor que pena, bueno tampoco creo que tenga en mi mano todas las razones que les lleva a hacer lo que hacen, quizás no puedo adivinar cuantas monedas de "plata" reciben a cambio de hacer el trabajo más sucio todavía del que ya hace su señor.

No sólo es esto también un periódico se ha dedicado a publicar una memez tan sin razón como que "un partido  político catalán cierra el año con casi una decena de imputaciones" importante noticia verdad con esto que consiguen, pues yo se lo digo, simplemente demuestran que en volumen Catalunya es más pequeña que España, porque que son sólo una decena de imputados,cuantos tienen los partidos que nos gobiernan España, claro que si lo que pretenden es decirnos eso que Catalunya es más pequeña que españa pues vale.

Bueno y la última es celebrar por algunas TV el fin de año brindando con cerveza ya se que me dirán que es publicidad y que quien paga manda, pero de eso a que me lo crea va un abismo tan grande como el que se esta abriendo entre nosotros, podrían al menos brindar con champán francés y no quitarles el buen gusto a los españoles, que no tienen la culpa de sus estupideces semántico políticas.

Bien de todas formas feliz noche buena amigos conciudadanos españoles y háganme caso brinden con champán no se dejes también malear el paladar y la fiesta, nosotros en Catalunya gracias a dios tomaremos la cena con Albariño para el marisco con un Rivera del Duero para los entremeses, con un Rioja para el filete y finalmente brindaremos con un buen Cava catalán. Y saben que les digo pues que no nos quitaran la fiesta por mucho que lo intenten.

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013


The minister Margallo, seems that he has sent a manual of instructions to all the Spanish ambassadors in the world, with the one that tries to prepare the reasons that they should reply when the possible ones interested, other politicians, journalists, etc., ask them why you cause Catalonia he is requesting its possible independence of Spain, curious that sent you a guide of instructions of more than two hundred pages elaborated in form of question answer dedicated to counteract a problem that doesn't exist (according to Rajoy). 

The single making of this pamphlet already causes stupor, how it can be that a government can fill two hundred pages rebutting to his way the possible causes that can argue them, in some interview reception or colloquy, in other foreign countries, I have stayed of stone if the government knows that it is necessary so much to rebut, it is because he knows that Catalonia has so much to protest, then I say it would not be better to begin here at home to rebut them. 

It is evident that the central government of the nation, is the main instigator of this situation, because it is evident also that it serves him and a lot to make pass more covered his enormous errors, political and of everything nature that you/they have been carried during governments' years and rulers, without any state sense, and still aided in more naked political oppositions of this sense that all the rulers should possess and political.    

I won't say that the Catalan nationalism is new, or motivated by the current situation, but if I want to make consist that every time is deeper and more extensive in this still piece of Spain, what I want to mean in this article is the context difference that contains the Catalan nationalism, versus the Spanish nationalism, I know many readers to deny me the biggest, because I don't know why reason, the fervent defenders of the unit and of the greatness that means to be Spanish according to them, they don't want to be nationalist. 

It is a total absurdity, the nationalism it is simply to feel in your interior the pride and the feeling of a nation: in some definitions of the dictionary one can read 1 political Doctrine that exalts in all the aspects the national personality of a town: 2 political movement that defends the creation of an independent and autonomous state for a town. 3 to feel devotion to the own nation. Anything bad he hides in this unless it is used like subversive weapon in form of imperialistic doctrine and it is tried to impose.    

It is of supposing that the "codex" that Margallo has given to its ambassadors around the world, it should be full with you "reply" against some "reasons" or vice versa, according to of the side in that they look at themselves, that which means very to the white that there is a tuneless reality between Catalonia and Spain, and that he also knows it the Spanish state, otherwise like they could fill a book with them. I cannot enter to judge them among other things because I don't know the content of any, but if I want to stand out that they should have many points of discord among some and other, that which doesn't stop to give sense common to that a moment has arrived in that one of both says is already enough.     

With these measures it is demonstrated once again that the Spanish government doesn't know very well that posture to take and he always goes behind the events like now, it has been enough that from Catalonia it is exposed that he will give a certain internationalization to the problem, given the denied legal impossibility an and another time for Spain, so that the Catalan show in a consultation, on if one wants or not to become a sovereign state and if it is this way in independent, so that the machinery of external begins to send the reasons in against for it, that which I repeat, as Margallo almost always does us a great favor on one hand, because he internationalizes it, and for other because they recognize that there are hundreds of reasons to those that the Spanish government seeks to give them for false unequivocal or illusory and the Catalan just the opposite.  

These are the realities of this nation, realities that minimize it that they make it unfriendly that convert it in the laughingstock of the international community that you see that all the greatness that wants to show to the world, is wet paper that doesn't have structural solidity that its internal differences are abysmal that he doesn't know how to support the cultures and the economies that he has in its territorial composition that all it calculates it to the national centralist imposition, in few words that he wants and he is not able to, because this it is the final consequence. Spain has thrown and he is throwing for the overboard its possibilities, trying to remove of here to put there, rejecting very dear concepts for some that they have simply judged useless and unfriendly for them, in short they have sowed confrontation Winds and now they will pick up, I fear myself, tempests of indifference. 


El ministro Margallo, parece que ha enviado un manual de instrucciones a todos los embajadores españoles en el mundo, con el que intenta preparar las razones que deben de replicar cuando los posibles interesados, otros políticos, periodistas, etc., les pregunten por qué causas Catalunya está pidiendo su posible independencia de España, curioso que se envié una guía de instrucciones de más de doscientas páginas elaborada en forma de pregunta respuesta  dedicada a contrarrestar un problema que no existe (según Rajoy).

La sola confección de este folleto ya causa estupor,  cómo puede ser que un gobierno pueda llenar doscientas páginas rebatiendo a su manera las posibles causas  que les pueden argumentar, en alguna entrevista recepción o coloquio, en otros países extranjeros, me he quedado de piedra si el gobierno sabe que hay tanto que rebatir, es porque sabe que Catalunya tiene tanto que protestar, entonces digo yo no sería mejor empezar aquí en casa a rebatirlas.

Es evidente que el gobierno central de la nación, es el principal instigador de esta situación, pues es evidente también que le sirve y mucho para hacer pasar más desapercibidos sus enormes errores, políticos y de todo índole, que se han acarreado durante años de gobiernos y gobernantes, sin ningún sentido de estado, y amparadas en oposiciones políticas más desnudas todavía de este sentido que deberían poseer todos los gobernantes y políticos.


No voy a decir que el nacionalismo catalán sea nuevo, o motivado por la situación actual, pero si quiero hacer constar que cada vez es más profundo y extenso en este todavía trozo de España, lo que quiero significar en este artículo es la diferencia de contexto que encierra el nacionalismo catalán, versus el nacionalismo español, sé que muchos lectores me negaran la mayor, porque no sé por qué razón, los fervientes defensores de la unidad y de la grandeza, que según ellos significa ser español, no quieren ser nacionalistas.


Es un contrasentido total, el nacionalismo es simplemente sentir en tu interior el orgullo y el sentimiento de una nación: en unas definiciones del diccionario se puede leer  1 Doctrina política que exalta en todos los aspectos la personalidad nacional de un pueblo: 2 Movimiento político que defiende la creación de un estado independiente y autónomo para un pueblo. 3 Apego a la propia nación. Nada malo se esconde en esto salvo que se emplee como arma subversiva en forma de doctrina imperialista y se intente imponer.


Es de suponer que el “códice” que Margallo ha entregado a sus embajadores alrededor del mundo, debe estar lleno de “replicas” en contra de unas “razones” o viceversa, según del lado en que se miren, lo cual significa muy a las claras que hay una realidad discordante entre Catalunya y España, y que además la conoce el estado español, de lo contrario como podrían llenar un libro con ellas. No puedo entrar a juzgarlas entre otras cosas porque no conozco el contenido de ninguna, pero si quiero resaltar que deben haber muchos puntos de discordia entre unos y otros, lo cual no deja de dar sentido común a que haya llegado un momento en que uno de los dos diga basta ya.


Con estas medidas se demuestra una vez más que el gobierno español no sabe muy bien que postura tomar y siempre va detrás de los acontecimientos como ahora, ha bastado que desde Catalunya se exponga que se va a dar una cierta internacionalización al problema, dada la imposibilidad legal negada una y otra vez por España, para que los catalanes nos manifestemos en una consulta, sobre si se quiere o no convertirse en un estado soberano y si es así en independiente, para que la maquinaria de exteriores se ponga a enviar las razones en contra para ello, lo cual repito, como casi siempre Margallo nos hace un gran favor por un lado, porque lo internacionaliza él, y por otro porque reconocen que hay cientos de razones a las que el gobierno español pretende darlas por falsas inequívocas o ilusorias y el catalán todo lo contrario.

Estas son las realidades de esta nación, realidades que la empequeñecen que la hacen antipática, que la convierten en el hazmerreír de la comunidad internacional, que ve que toda la grandeza que quiere mostrar al mundo, es papel mojado, que no tiene solidez estructural, que sus diferencias internas son abismales, que no sabe apoyar las culturas y las economías que tiene en su composición territorial, que todo lo cifra a la imposición centralista nacional, en pocas palabras, que quiere y no puede, porque esta es la consecuencia final. España ha tirado y está tirando por la borda sus posibilidades, intentando quitar de aquí para poner allá, despreciando conceptos muy queridos para unos, que simplemente han juzgado inútiles y antipáticos para ellos, en fin han sembrado Vientos de confrontación y ahora recogerán, me temo, tempestades de indiferencia.



We are about to enter in another year the 2014 everything they are congratulations among people that is wanted an I prosper and happy new year very well finds me very well but this is topical desires among well-known friends, in fact a year change doesn't mean anything I practice he is simply given turn to the leaf of the calendar or now the electronic apparatuses that we all use already change not even that simply the date automatically this is the year change.


This is what I fear myself that it happened to us to the Spaniards and Spain the telephones the computers the apparatuses of all type they changed the digit of the year and you finishes Happy and old problems and happy new cuttings and taxes this is or it will be the new year, and this is not the solution for the problems of Spain. Everything should go to "make something with the basic" problems those that don't love each other to not even see keep in mind of so obvious, because in fact they bother much since they denote the precarious feeling political anti and that in spite of everything today it still tolerates us, that yes not well united and recriminating us each other the inefficacy and the end of a process that it could be wonderful  


Spain is now in a deep depression that reaches all the political and economic human values, and this hurts and a lot, but nobody wants to take conscience of this reality, for that reason he/she is not ahead in any address if it is that there is her, while we think it to us the great depression this settling in our lives, that salvation roads, we have in Spain, first we have to take responsibility for ourselves, of our defects and errors, because we don't deceive ourselves the UE he doesn't survive another time too many problems again he has. 


Spain after the end of the dictatorship wanted to be Europe and it got it, the problem is that this doesn't mean that Spain changes by no means, this entrance in Europe in fact rather was on the contrary, it was Europe the one that was strained in Spain, but instead of that Spain opens up and becomes European, continuous Spain with its staunch centralism, and with its anachronism nationalism, the rulers you happened and they were limited to receive grants and to spend internally full hands, but Spain I don't change, I don't believe industries, I simply reorganize the monopolies of state basic services, making them deprived" "companies distributing them among those that had the power, but I don't believe expansible GDP but rather I leave it stable, it was already well like it was, single use what came from europa to never form the real estate speculative bubble well-known in Spain and in europa.


Our politicians understood that to be perpetuated in the power, in this new situation, they should please the more to the town better, it was necessary to be distanced of the dictatorship the most possible thing and him more quickly possible, and they made this way it using not well very bad what should have been good to consolidate a new Spanish economy, with the help of the Eurus that came to baskets from the community europa, when this you finishes the European Spain he collapsed, and we realize that we not even end up crossing the Pyrenees we get tired of ascending halfway. We are practically where that were if with but debts but deficits more unemployment and the worst thing with 7 millions more than inhabitants. 


Now we will change year and that we can make, we have to begin to make reformations to adjust us to the reality, it is not enough with lowering the budgetary deficits, the manpower costs and to fix the situation in the banks getting in debt 45000 million Eurus, and I eat we don't have productive structures this takes us to the economic recession and the distrust of the Spanish political situation, he will enter in the fifth year of the crisis and this he doesn't have the end visible, because the fundamental problems are still had to adjust.  


A hope was that the rest of Europe, in particular Germany, it will grow and this will take a recovery to Europe, but I don't see it but just the opposite January 1 two new countries enter in the euro, countries that will offer more investment expectations, because they will offer cheaper manpower and almost everything to make.  


Estamos a punto de entrar en otro año el 2014 todo son parabienes entre la gente que se desea un prospero y feliz año nuevo muy bien me parece muy bien pero esto son tópicos deseos entre amigos conocidos, de hecho un cambio de año no significa nada practico simplemente se le da vuelta a la hoja del calendario o ahora ya ni eso los aparatos electrónicos que todos usamos simplemente cambian la fecha automáticamente esto es el cambio de año,  

Esto es lo que me temo que nos pasara a los españoles y a España los teléfonos los ordenadores los aparatos de todo tipo cambiaran el digito del año y se termino Felices y viejos problemas y felices  nuevos recortes e impuestos esto es o será el nuevo año, y esto no es la solución para los problemas de España. Todo debería pasar por "hacer algo con los problemas básicos" esos que de tan obvios no se quieren ver ni siquiera tener en cuenta, porque en realidad molestan mucho ya que denotan el precario sentimiento anti político y que a pesar de todo hoy todavía nos aguanta, eso sí mal unidos y recriminándonos unos a otros la ineficacia y el final de un proceso que pudo ser maravilloso


España, se encuentra ahora en una profunda depresión, que alcanza todos los valores humanos políticos y económicos, y esto duele y mucho, pero nadie quiere tomar conciencia de esta realidad, por eso no se adelanta en ninguna dirección si es que la hay. Mientras nos lo pensamos la gran depresión esta instalándose en nuestras vidas. Que vías de salvación, tenemos en España, primero tenemos que tomar responsabilidad por nosotros mismos, de nuestros defectos y errores, porque no nos engañemos la UE no va a volver a salvarnos otra vez demasiados problemas tiene.


España tras el fin de la dictadura quiso ser Europa y lo consiguió, el problema es que esto no significo que España cambiase ni mucho menos, esta entrada en Europa en realidad más bien fue al contrario, fue Europa la que se coló en España, pero en lugar de que España se abriese y se europeizase, España continuo con su centralismo acérrimo, y con su españolismo anacrónico, los gobernantes se sucedieron y se limitaron a recibir subvenciones y a gastar a manos llenas, pero España internamente no cambio, no creo industrias, simplemente reorganizo los monopolios de servicios básicos estatales, haciéndolos “empresas privados” repartiéndolos entre los que tenían el poder, pero no creo PIB expansivo sino que lo dejo estable, ya estaba bien como estaba, solo uso lo que venía de europa para formar la burbuja especulativa inmobiliaria jamás conocida en España y en europa.


Nuestros políticos entendieron que para perpetuarse en el poder, en esta nueva situación, debían de contentar al pueblo cuanto más mejor, había que distanciarse de la dictadura lo más posible y lo más deprisa posible, y así lo hicieron empleando mal muy mal lo que debía haber servido para consolidar una nueva economía española, con ayuda de los euros que venían a espuertas desde la europa comunitaria, cuando esto se termino se hundió la España europea, y nos damos cuenta que ni siquiera llegamos a cruzar los Pirineos nos cansamos de subir a medio camino. Estamos prácticamente donde estábamos eso si con mas deudas mas déficits más desempleo y lo peor con 7 millones más de habitantes.


Ahora vamos a cambiar de año y que podemos hacer, tenemos que empezar a hacer reformas para ajustarnos a la realidad, no basta con bajar los déficits presupuestarios, los costes de mano de obra y arreglar la situación en los bancos endeudándonos 45000 millones de euros, y como no tenemos estructuras productivas esto nos lleva a la recesión económica y a la desconfianza de la situación política española, se va a entrar en el quinto año de la crisis y esta no tiene el final a la vista, porque los problemas fundamentales todavía se tienen que ajustar.


Una esperanza era que el resto de Europa, en particular Alemania, iba a crecer y esto iba a llevar una recuperación a Europa, pero no lo veo sino todo lo contrario este 1 de enero entran dos nuevos países en el euro,  países que ofrecerán más expectativas de inversión, porque ofrecerán mano de obra más barata y casi todo por hacer.

sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013


The facts and the circumstances always give the opportune signs for the beginning or the attainment of goals or projects that hidden waits a favorable or less conflicting opportunity to take them to term. This is already the case of the much claimed consultation or referendum like want to call it that is sought to make to formalize a fact democratically from Catalonia that at the moment is presupposed the majority desire of independence or segregation of Catalonia of the unit of Spain. 

The not very belligerent, more calculating character that grows impatient of the Catalan, has always been a control in the face of the possibility of entering in a conflict of interests between Spain and Catalonia, there has always been that pressure that told us, better well-known bad that good to know", and also, it was always the one Spain it removes to turn off the fire independent, with concessions, promises, and recognitions that put in the faithful of the Catalan politics's scale it appeased the desires to really be a nation. 

This balance has gotten lost completely today in day, on one hand the economic crisis and for the other one the no longer underhanded absolute dictatorship of the right Spanish involution, gives to my way of seeing, the unequivocal sign that now or never. And this means that it is necessary to be played it you can no longer continue being neither not very belligerent neither calculators mainly fearful or comfortable. If our politicians and our society are really what we say to be, Catalan nationalists, now it is the hour, because we are playing to make political of consents against a nation that he doesn't want and it cannot allow it and that he collapses hopelessly to the well of the European, same social exclusion or more than Greece and or we separate or we leave hit her to the europa bottom. 

Spain is now a nation governed by the rigidity from the nearest Spanish nationalism to the dictatorial and centralist imperialism whose only option, is to maintain a single economic focus of attraction and of being able to, gathering and monopolizing in him, the employment, the administration of the social rights, (laws of education standardize, of regulation of the abortion, labor reformations unable to be possible to apply, laws of social protection that what they protect is to the authority, in having summarized bills Spain you has ascended to the central plateau, and from there up go it is necessary to compose the Spain that they want again, and from there they will show to the European continent that that is the true Spain, and the rest practically an accident that they should support and to maintain the but hidden possible. 

The test more clear had it with the composition of the General Budgets of the country where I am all the effort of Spain very undoubtedly, in the one that at the moment are included, he goes more than ever toward the center, and like center interprets the central government that the theory of the first one is applied me and then we will already see that I distribute, Europe congratulates them, because it hides them everything the rest the truth of: Extremadura, Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia, Castile –la Mancha, etc.   

While Catalonia goes fading for lack of resources of all type but of this, the centers of government of the UE don't receive it, alone they receive the message that Spain goes well, but that Spain, I wonder. If we analyze the reality, it is clear that the deviation of the concepts counted in the budgets leaving totally stopped Catalonia, doesn't obey alone to that have us more or less mania from the government of the PP, but rather they know that the economic and social advantage that we still maintain the Catalan, is completely very above the one that can offer from a Spain, without control and ruined, so it is clear him little that the central government can pick up, everything will assure the figures of the central Spain, we see the enclosed graph.  

These data coming from the INE indicate us that we are in decline situation we lose GDP because our industrial fabric cannot be sustained there are not credits there is not I consummate etc. with everything and with we tolerate it at the level of the Basque country that has a certain "independence" of the Spanish administration with its economic concert but it is that these descents of the GDP make us fall in the economic capacity of our society we can see this way that when translating the GDP in GPD/habitant we already fall to the fourth place, and here it is necessary to see who are for above, the first ones are the Basque country, second Madrid, and third Navarre, curious truth the first one and the third have it won by history with their statutory concerts that make them "different" and the second or we could tell the first of the theoretically normal" "Spain it is Madrid. 

Before these evident numbers I continue wondering that they will think Extremadura, Andalusia, Murcia, Valencia, Castile –La Mancha, etc. this is the x-ray but perfect of Spain we will never be able to the four regions that we locate ourselves with a GPD/habitant above the stocking of the UE and the three remaining located above the stocking of Spain to balance to the other ones ten it is clear we lose for quantity we are seven for ten and for economic differences the seven "rich" they give a stocking of 26,775.9 € GPD/habitant and the ten "less rich" their average is of 19,087.6 € GPD/habitant we are before an imbalance of 30%. 

But is this increased much more Catalonia stops because you will understand that the Basque country and Navarre with its concerts it doesn't play to balance anything they pay an established canon and everything the rest belongs so already to them alone we are five and now it is clear that Madrid one cannot play the capital it should show to the world its greatness and power, and to a certain extent it is logical, so already they do come it alone four are among the one that Catalonia is with a lot the strongest as much for inhabitants as for its GDP so yourselves answers you who he has to pay the imbalance?.  

We should separate, or a region that he will go losing rent per capita year to year will become until with luck we lose 15% of that that now have and that the government from Madrid needs that we pay in a way or another to balance the "outlying" Spain and to this so prosaic, add him the most personal thing: our education, our language, our roots. We don't need for anything to a Spain so different to us, or us so different from them, and with the one that you can no longer negotiate anything because we won't negotiate more than as paying the national outlying misery to which the successive governments from Spain have behaved and I repeat, I don't know as of this they don't realize other regions,   

That it can happen of bad that we are not supporting already, anything of anything, the weakness of Spain (I don't include Madrid) it is much bigger than that of an independent Catalonia, notice if not: We could start the Mediterranean corridor once and for all, that yes, alone the Catalan tract, from Tarragona to Rotterdam imagines it, because the European financing is for the corridor, we already have the connection for high speed with France that they can carry out the French trains, we could put to our airport like a truly international airport, the increment of the industrial activity in our small nation, is much easier because it is prepared to reactivate it that all Spain, our multinational companies and our exports, they are more and more agile. 

It is evident that a society of little more than seven million inhabitants and with the industrial, commercial, tourist potential, and their strategic situation with the first port of sea of the Mediterranean, communicated to europa by France, with a history and culture of high level of international recognition, it would be he much easier to establish some economic readjustments and at the same time a reactivation of their much more GDP quickly. 

Catalonia has this possibility that doesn't have it an entire nation of 40 million inhabitants (excluded Catalonia), in the one that basically its economic potential registers everything in its capital, this is the reality that the PP also wants to maintain and to consolidate, by means of its absolute majority, it is mining the state of the autonomies he is already making for some time it to conscience, but because the worst is in fact many of those that governed already, being the party in the opposition, he collapsed this way but to the government and the Spanish economy, and now it will pick up the fruits disassembling them one for a, to return to the unit of Spain without it seems a contempt to the constitution that point defends. 

Catalonia should already make a decision, if it is certain that its politicians feel the catalane of its origin and the one of most of its society, is to already begin once and for all the negotiation with the European Union, to outline our ownership to the union and to throw the process of consultation of independence ahead, in accordance with Spain, or in an unilateral way, and if they are not capable, I request my politicians these that are erected nationalist and Catalans and that so much they complain about the treatment that we receive that they are quiet once and for all and forever because the defeat will be much bigger and more painful than that of the 1714. 


Los hechos y las circunstancias siempre dan las señales oportunas para el inicio o la consecución de metas o proyectos, que larvados esperan una oportunidad propicia o menos conflictiva para llevarlos a término. Este es el caso de la ya muy reclamada consulta o referéndum como quieran llamarlo que desde Catalunya se pretende hacer para formalizar democráticamente un hecho que  de momento se presupone el deseo mayoritario de independencia o segregación de Catalunya de la unidad de España.

El carácter poco beligerante, más calculador que impaciente de los catalanes, siempre ha sido un freno ante la posibilidad de entrar en un conflicto de intereses entre España y Catalunya, siempre ha habido aquella presión que nos decía, “mejor malo conocido que bueno por conocer”, y además, siempre estaba al quite España para apagar el fuego independentista, con concesiones, promesas, y reconocimientos que puestos en el fiel de la balanza de la política catalana apaciguaba los deseos de ser de verdad una nación.

Este equilibrio se ha perdido por completo hoy en día, por un lado la crisis económica y por el otro la ya no disimulada dictadura absoluta de la derecha involucionista española, da a mi modo de ver, la señal inequívoca de que ahora o nunca. Y esto significa que hay que jugársela ya no se puede seguir siendo ni poco beligerantes ni calculadores ni sobre todo temerosos o confortables. Si nuestros políticos y nuestra sociedad somos realmente lo que decimos ser, nacionalistas catalanes, ahora es la hora, porque estamos jugando a hacer política de consensos contra una nación que no quiere y no se lo puede permitir y que se hunde irremediablemente al pozo de la exclusión social europea, igual o más que Grecia y o nos separamos  o nos vamos pegados a ella al fondo de europa.

España es ahora una nación gobernada por la rigidez del nacionalismo español más cercano al imperialismo dictatorial y centralista cuya única opción, es mantener un solo foco de atracción económico y de poder, reuniendo y acaparando en él, el empleo, la gestión de los derechos sociales, (leyes de educación uniformadoras, de regulación del aborto, reformas laborales incapaces de poderse aplicar, leyes de protección social que lo que protegen es a la autoridad, en resumidas cuentas España se ha subido a la meseta central, y desde allá arriba van ha componer de nuevo la España que ellos quieren, y desde allí mostrarán al continente europeo que aquello es la verdadera España, y lo demás prácticamente un accidente que deben de soportar y mantener lo mas oculto posible.

La prueba más fehaciente la tuvimos con la composición de los Presupuestos Generales del país, en donde quedo bien claro que todo el esfuerzo de España, en la que de momento estamos incluidos, va hacia el centro más que nunca, y como centro interpreten el gobierno central que se aplica la teoría del primero yo y luego ya veremos que reparto, Europa les felicita, porque les esconde todo lo demás la verdad de: Extremadura, Andalucía, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla la Mancha, etc.  

Mientras Catalunya se va apagando por falta de recursos de todo tipo pero de esto, a los centros de gobierno de la UE no les llega, solo reciben el mensaje de que España va bien, pero que España, me pregunto yo. Si analizamos la realidad, está claro que el desvío de los conceptos contabilizados en los presupuestos dejando a Catalunya completamente parada, no obedece solo a que nos tengan más o menos manía desde el gobierno del PP, sino que saben que la ventaja económica y social que todavía mantenemos los catalanes, está muy por encima de la que pueden ofrecer desde una España, completamente sin control y arruinada, así que está claro lo poco que el gobierno central pueda recoger, todo va a asegurar las cifras de la España central, vemos el grafico adjunto.

Estos datos procedentes del INE nos indica que estamos en situación de declive perdemos PIB porque nuestro tejido industrial no puede sostenerse no hay créditos no hay consumo etc. con todo y con ello aguantamos al nivel del País Vasco que con su concierto económico tiene una cierta “independencia” de la administración española pero es que estos descensos del PIB nos hace caer en la capacidad económica de nuestra sociedad así podemos ver que al traducir el PIB en PIB/cápita caemos ya al cuarto lugar, y aquí hay que ver quienes están por encima, los primeros son el País Vasco, segundos Madrid, y terceros Navarra, curioso verdad el primero y el tercero lo tienen ganado por historia con sus conciertos forales que los hacen “diferentes” y el segundo o podríamos decir el primero de la teóricamente “España normal” es Madrid.

Ante estos evidentes números me sigo preguntando que deberán pensar Extremadura, Andalucía, Murcia, Valencia, Castilla la Mancha, etc. esto es la radiografía mas perfecta de España nunca podremos las cuatro regiones que nos situamos con un PIB/cápita por encima de la media de la UE y las tres restantes situadas por encima de la media de España equilibrar a las otras diez está claro perdemos por cantidad somos siete para diez y por diferencias económicas las siete “ricas” dan una media de 26,775.9 € PIB/cápita y las diez “menos ricas” su promedio es de 19,087.6 € PIB/cápita estamos ante un desequilibrio de un 30%.

Pero esto se agrava mucho más para Catalunya porque ustedes comprenderán que el País Vasco y Navarra con sus conciertos no juega a equilibrar nada ellos pagan un canon establecido y todo lo demás es de ellos así que ya solo quedamos cinco y ahora está claro que Madrid no se puede tocar la capital debe mostrar al mundo su grandeza y potencia, y hasta cierto punto es lógico, así que ya lo ven solo quedan cuatro entre la que Catalunya es con mucho la más fuerte tanto por habitantes como por su PIB así que  ustedes mismos contéstense ¿quien tiene que pagar el desequilibrio?.

Debemos de separarnos, o pasaremos a ser una región que irá perdiendo renta per cápita año a año hasta que con suerte perdamos el 15% de lo que ahora tenemos y que el gobierno de Madrid necesita que paguemos de una forma u otra para equilibrar la España “periférica” y a esto tan prosaico, añádanle lo más personal: nuestra educación, nuestra lengua, nuestras raíces. No necesitamos para nada a una España tan distinta a nosotros, o nosotros tan diferentes de ellos, y con la que ya no se puede negociar nada porque no vamos a negociar más que como pagar la miseria periférica nacional a la que los sucesivos gobiernos de España nos han conducido y repito, yo no sé como de esto no se dan cuenta otras regiones,  

Que puede ocurrir de malo que no estemos soportando ya, nada de nada, la debilidad de España (no incluyo Madrid) es mucho mayor que la de una Cataluña independiente, fíjense si no: Podríamos poner en marcha de una vez el corredor mediterráneo, eso sí, solo el tramo catalán, desde Tarragona a Róterdam lo imaginan, porque la financiación europea es para el corredor, ya tenemos la conexión por alta velocidad con Francia que pueden realizar los trenes franceses, podríamos poner a nuestro aeropuerto como un aeropuerto verdaderamente internacional, el incremento de la actividad industrial en nuestra pequeña nación, es mucho más fácil porque está más preparada para reactivarla que toda España, nuestras empresas multinacionales y nuestras exportaciones, son mas y mas agiles.

Es evidente que una sociedad de poco más de siete millones de habitantes y con el potencial industrial, comercial, turístico, y su situación estratégica con el primer puerto de mar del Mediterráneo, comunicada a europa por Francia, con una historia y cultura de alto nivel de reconocimiento internacional, le sería mucho más fácil establecer unos reajustes económicos y a la vez una reactivación de su PIB mucho más rápidamente.

Catalunya tiene esta posibilidad, que no la tiene toda una nación de 40 millones de habitantes (excluida Catalunya), en la que básicamente su potencial económico se inscribe todo en su capital, esto es la realidad que además el PP quiere mantener y consolidar, por medio de su mayoría absoluta, está minando el estado de las autonomías lo está haciendo a conciencia ya desde hace tiempo, sino porque las peores son precisamente muchas de las que ya gobernaba, estando el partido en la oposición, así hundió mas al gobierno y a la economía española, y ahora recogerá los frutos desmontándolas una por una, para volver a la unidad de España sin que parezca un desacato a la constitución que tanto defiende.

Catalunya debe tomar ya una decisión inaplazable, si es cierto que sus políticos sienten la catalanidad de su origen y la de la mayoría de su sociedad, hay que entablar ya de una vez la negociación con la Unión Europea, para plantear nuestra pertenencia a la unión y tirar adelante el proceso de consulta de independencia, de acuerdo con España, o de forma unilateral, y si no se ven capaces, les ruego a mis políticos estos que se erigen nacionalistas y catalanistas y que tanto se quejan del trato que recibimos, que se callen de una vez y para siempre porque la derrota será mucho mayor y más dolorosa que la del 1714.

viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013


There are not day or hour depending if the printed Spanish press is continued or for the Net that doesn't leave a news comment or opinion against the intention of the posture of independence of Catalonia, and this as good democratic that am, I don't find bad, each one uses what can or he knows for……. to attack… o…defenders, this it is the question that is to define I have reached the conclusion that they are defending, because you cannot attack what one only shows off, because the government continues denying a referendum in this respect to know if Catalonia would want and for consequence it could be segregated or not.  

But the main reason of this article, is to request that they could write the news articles or opinions without always putting maliciously the mistaken sense, this is evident that it belongs an order from the government to the shareholders and directors of the Spanish national press, so that their journalists and commentators, be little less than stupid and don't understand the manifestations, interviews, and comments in its integer meaning and value, and this is not doubt, it is a defense to be safeguarded before its own society that doesn't understand it in many cases, there is a great quantity of Spaniards that its more sincere exclamation is: already give them the independence and that they leave if they don't love each other!  

But the government this doesn't listen to it and he doesn't make it because he cannot make it, they cannot explain to them that if Spain loses Catalonia he gets lost 50% of facto of the economy and of the "Mark Spain", but the worst thing is that he cannot explain why, and many Spaniards don't understand, because the state tolerates a stake of such a caliber and he doesn't tell us to "leave to the shit". So the easiest way is to transfigure the reality in all that affects Catalonia, to such an extent this is that curious that the Spanish government's campaign goes almost entirely directed to that the Spaniards believe sincerely that are surviving of a madness that takes us to the most awful disaster that to imagine can.     

There is today's holder here: - Mas it admits that an independent Catalonia would be outside of the UE - naturally the one that alone he reads regular that are most he thinks; you see these Catalan finally they recognize that that so much our good government is noticing them, it is true that they have returned them crazy the useless of his politicians. The true declaration of the president of the Generality, Artur Mas it has been: - Catalonia could be outside of the European union (UE) in an initial moment, between the celebration of the consultation and the proclamation of independence - different truth, very different shade is in the two notes, also published in the same newspaper, but the second in the small letter of the same article. 

And Artur Mas it continues - "Not of the euro, of the Union. It would be a pity, because we want to continue in the UE. It would be necessary to find a transitory régime to avoid the expulsion of the UE. Anyway, we will request a re ingress", these manifestations are taken from of an interview to the Italian newspaper “The Repubblica” picked up by Europe Press, it also highlights that Catalonia wants to be in the euro, in the UE, in the space Schengen and in the NATO. 

It also recognizes that to Europe it doesn't delight him the idea of the consultation of sovereignty in Catalonia and that the pressures that he receives are strong: "The States sovereigns don’t want problems if they can avoid" them. Mas it has reiterated that the alternative to the central Government's negative to summon the consultation in 2014 is the celebration of some premature elections, so that "the referendum it will be made.  

On if an eventual independence of Catalonia would affect to the bank system, I imagine that referring the interviewer to the current Spanish system, Mas he has denied it and he has remembered that the Catalan have 28.000 Eurus rent per capita, as the Germans, as well as that the Spanish banks have 20 percent of its market in Catalonia. And of course here in Catalonia nobody speaks of opposite neither of exclusions neither of anything, but they already come like they change the things if they are written and they interpret like weapon of double edge a defensive offensive and other side. 


No hay día u hora dependiendo si se sigue la prensa española impresa o por la red, que no salga una noticia comentario u opinión en contra de la intención de la postura de independencia de Catalunya, y esto como buen demócrata que soy, no me parece mal, cada cual usa lo que puede o sabe para ……. atacar …o…defenderse, esta es la cuestión que queda por definir yo he llegado a la conclusión de que se están defendiendo, porque no se puede atacar lo que se presume solamente, porque el gobierno sigue negando un referéndum al respecto para saber si Catalunya querría y por consecuencia podría segregarse o no.

Pero el motivo principal de este artículo, es pedir que podrían escribir las noticias artículos u opiniones sin poner siempre el sentido equivocado maliciosamente, esto es evidente que es una orden del gobierno a los accionistas y directores de la prensa nacional española, para que sus periodistas articulistas y comentaristas, sean poco menos que estúpidos y no entiendan las manifestaciones, entrevistas, y comentarios en su entero significado y valor, y esto no hay duda, es una defensa para salvaguardarse ante su propia sociedad que en muchos casos no lo entiende, hay una gran cantidad de españoles que su exclamación más sincera es: ¡denles ya la independencia y que se marchen si no nos quieren!

Pero el gobierno esto no lo escucha y no lo hace porque no puede hacerlo, no pueden explicarles que si España pierde Catalunya se pierde el 50% de facto de la economía y de la “Marca España”,  pero lo peor es que no puede explicar por qué, y muchos españoles no entienden, porque el estado aguanta un envite de tal calibre y no nos dice “iros a la mierda”.  Así que la manera más fácil es transfigurar la realidad en todo lo que afecta a Catalunya, hasta tal punto esto es así de curioso, que la campaña del gobierno español va casi por entero dirigida a que los españoles crean sinceramente, que nos están salvando de una locura que nos lleva al desastre más espantoso que imaginarse pueda.    

He aquí un titular de hoy: -Mas admite que una Cataluña independiente quedaría fuera de la UE- naturalmente el que solo lee titulares que son la mayoría piensa; ves estos catalanes al fin reconocen lo que tanto les está advirtiendo nuestro buen gobierno,  es verdad que les han vuelto locos los inútiles de sus políticos. La verdadera declaración  del presidente de la Generalidad, Artur Mas ha sido: -Cataluña podría quedar fuera de la unión europea (UE) en un momento inicial, entre la celebración de la consulta y la proclamación de independencia- diferente verdad, muy diferente matiz hay en las dos notas, además publicadas en el mismo periódico, pero la segunda en la letra pequeña del mismo artículo.

Y Artur Mas prosigue -"No del euro, de la Unión. Sería una lástima, porque nosotros queremos seguir en la UE. Sería necesario encontrar un régimen transitorio para evitar la expulsión de la UE. De todos modos, solicitaremos un reingreso", estas manifestaciones están sacadas de una entrevista al diario italiano La Repubblica recogida por Europa Press, además  destaca que Catalunya quiere estar en el euro, en la UE, en el espacio Schengen y en la OTAN.

También reconoce que a Europa no le entusiasma la idea de la consulta soberanista en Catalunya y que las presiones que recibe son fuertes: "Los Estados soberanos no quieren problemas si los pueden evitar". Mas ha reiterado que la alternativa a una negativa del Gobierno central a convocar la consulta en 2014 es la celebración de unas elecciones anticipadas, de forma que "el referéndum se hará.

Sobre si una eventual independencia de Cataluña afectaría al sistema bancario, me imagino que refiriéndose el entrevistador al sistema español actual, Mas lo ha negado y ha recordado que los catalanes tienen 28.000 euros de renta per cápita, como los alemanes, así como que los bancos españoles tienen el 20 por ciento de su mercado en Cataluña. Y por supuesto aquí en Catalunya nadie habla de fronteras ni de exclusiones ni nada de nada, pero ya ven como cambian las cosas si se escriben e interpretan como arma de doble filo un lado ofensivo y otro defensivo.

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013


In time of Christmas these days that are made for the love and the concord among families and for the happiness and the children's rejoicing I have become melancholic and he has come me to mind the story of the siblings Grimm "the Sleeping Beauty” and without knowing because I have associated the history to the sad reality of our country Spain, because they wondered some of you, lunatic has become they said other, because they won't already see like in the bottom we could transfer the story to our reality. 

The truth is that this idea assaults myself when he listened part of the speech that yesterday pronounces its majesty the king I don't know if it was its aspect its tired voice, it’s not to say anything, its rhetoric, today he read in the press that the king's speech was the less seen of the last 15 years where more the king's speech was seen, keeping in mind the same approach of the quota, it was in Castile and León (75,5 quota%, 431.000 spectators), Castile-the Stain (72,9 quota%, 386.000 spectators), Aragon (70,9 quota%, 206.000 spectators), Madrid (68,5 quota%, 1.027.000 spectators), Valencia (68 quota%, 785.000 spectators) and Balearic (65 quota%, 172.000 that is to say the nucleus hard of the PP it was the one that but and the one that less he amused with other tools. 

Neither it is chance that this is therefore it is evident more and more that Spain is closing up in the central plateau of the peninsula, the two Castile, (included Madrid) partly because of them and with Aragon she was born. We could say that here the story begins she was born beautiful, in its childhood he lacking anything, until you not builds a new world and also she form an empire, for its happy games of youth, but I eat in the story it seems that one day you prickle a finger, you not to define with what and how in the story she fell asleep and with her all its empire, its greatness, and the worst thing its people. 

And here we continue every time but sleeping, the world is also spending above our comfortable channel of feathers of political sleeping that they sustain it placidly so that it doesn't break its dream while they are limited to live off the story. The problem of our story is that we don't know and when the prince ended up giving him the kiss of love that wakes up her, and that is already preoccupant, because contrary to the story in our history the time has not stopped that are sleeping yes, but the problem is that the other ones he are not. 

If somebody up to now had not found out it, today everybody can have read it in words of Edward Joseph Snowden, it is clear that during this whole time that we take sleeping the world has run to a tremendous speed, he no longer resembles in anything that world of kings, noble gentlemen, princes and princesses that in bad our hour " Sleeping Beauty " you prickle and you is sleeping. So now they do assault me more doubts a prince he/she will come to wake up her? Do we have among us this prince? The answer to the first question is I don't know it, but at second o'clock if I know it and the answer is NOT, we don't have it. 

Spain is sleeping for happiness of many that take advantage of its dream to foment his to the sleeping princess's coast, the years pass this way, the circumstances change and the world has put in a corner us to a somber, dark, and silent place, so that we continue sleeping, we are like in the story inside a thick forest that every time is made but impenetrable, as well as the prince will be. 

They don't come it, they don't realize that if we continue letting the princess to sleep on her mattress of an old politics, without new horizons, sustained by this mountain of political mediocre, without color and without leadership some, every time the dream will leave making deeper and we won't be able to wake up although one day she ends up being a beautiful and gallant prince, because with so much time the beautiful one will have become the beast, pardon has jumped me of story. 

It is necessary to already wake up once and for all the princess, if it is with a kiss of better love, but if we don't have it by hand she will be necessary to make it with a slap in the cheeks, but we cannot continue to allow it to sleep but, they have already seen what counts. Mr. Edward Joseph Snowden, the world is a hive of pirates that they run more and more quickly toward the power and with less considerations, and I tell them that while the world sees us sleeping they won't care he swims at all, and not being awake and in the fight for the life, one doesn't have future. Please dear awake princess already once and for all although it is to slaps. 


En tiempo de Navidad estos días que están hechos para el amor y la concordia entre familias y para la alegría y regocijo de los niños me he puesto melancólico y me ha venido a la mente el cuento de los hermanos Grimm “la Bella durmiente del Bosque” y sin saber porque he asociado la historia a la triste realidad de nuestro país España, porque se preguntaran alguno de ustedes, se ha vuelto loco opinaran otros, pues no ya verán como en el fondo podríamos trasladar el cuento a nuestra realidad.

La verdad es que esta idea me asalto cuando escuchaba parte del discurso que ayer pronuncio su majestad el rey no sé si fue su aspecto su cansada voz, su no decir nada, su retorica, hoy leía en la prensa que el discurso del rey fue el menos visto de los últimos 15 años donde más se vio el discurso del monarca, teniendo en cuenta el mismo criterio de la cuota, fue en Castilla y León (75,5% de cuota, 431.000 espectadores), Castilla-La Mancha (72,9% de cuota, 386.000 espectadores), Aragón (70,9% de cuota, 206.000 espectadores), Madrid (68,5% de cuota, 1.027.000 espectadores), Valencia (68% de cuota, 785.000 espectadores) y Baleares (65% de cuota, 172.000 es decir el núcleo duro del PP fuera el que mas  y el que menos se distrajo con otros menesteres.

Tampoco es casualidad que esto sea así pues es evidente cada vez más que España se está encerrando en la meseta central de la península, las dos Castillas, (Madrid incluido) en parte porque de ellas y con Aragón nació. Podríamos decir que aquí empieza el cuento nació hermosa, en su niñez no le falto de nada, hasta se construyo un mundo nuevo y creó un imperio, para sus juegos felices de juventud, pero como en el cuento parece que un día se pincho un dedo, no se definir con qué y cómo en el cuento se durmió y con ella todo su imperio, su grandeza, y lo peor su gente.

Y aquí seguimos cada vez mas dormidos, el mundo nos está pasando por encima de nuestro confortable lecho de plumas de políticos también dormidos, que la sostienen plácidamente para que no se rompa su sueño mientras ellos se limitan a vivir del cuento. El problema de nuestro cuento es que no sabemos y cuando llegara el príncipe a darle el beso de amor que la despierte, y eso ya es preocupante, porque al contrario del cuento en nuestra historia el tiempo no se ha detenido, que estamos dormidos sí, pero el problema es que los demás no lo están.

Si alguien hasta ahora no se había enterado de ello, hoy puede haberlo leído en palabras de Edward Joseph Snowden , está claro que durante todo este tiempo que llevamos dormidos el mundo ha corrido a una velocidad tremenda, ya no se parece en nada a aquel mundo de reyes, nobles caballeros, príncipes y princesas, que en mala hora nuestra “blanca nieves” se pincho y se quedo dormida. Así que ahora me asaltan más dudas ¿vendrá un príncipe a despertarla? ¿Tenemos entre nosotros este príncipe? La respuesta a la primera pregunta es no lo sé, pero a la segunda si lo sé y la respuesta es NO, no lo tenemos.

España está dormida para alegría de muchos que aprovechan su sueño para fomentar los suyos a costa de la princesa dormida, así los años pasan, las circunstancias cambian y el mundo nos ha arrinconado a un lugar sombrío, oscuro, y silencioso, para que sigamos durmiendo, estamos como en el cuento en el interior de un espeso bosque que cada vez se hace mas impenetrable, así como va a encontrarnos el príncipe.

No lo ven, no se dan cuenta que si seguimos dejando que la princesa duerma sobre su colchón de una política vieja, sin nuevos horizontes, sostenida por esta montaña de políticos mediocres, sin color y sin liderazgo alguno, cada vez el sueño se irá haciendo más profundo y no podremos despertar aunque un día llegue a encontrarnos un hermoso y galante príncipe, porque con tanto tiempo la bella se habrá convertido en la bestia, perdón me he saltado de cuento.

Hay que despertar a la princesa ya de una vez, si es con un beso de amor mejor, pero si no lo tenemos a mano habrá que hacerlo con un bofetón en las mejillas, pero no podemos seguir dejarla dormir mas, ya han visto lo que cuenta Mr. Edward Joseph Snowden, el mundo es un enjambre de piratas que corren hacia el poder cada vez más deprisa y con menos miramientos, y yo les digo que mientras el mundo nos vea durmiendo no les vamos a importar nada en absoluto, y no estando despiertos y en la lucha por la vida, uno no tiene futuro. Por favor querida princesa despierta ya de una vez aunque sea a bofetones.


Answer to the Article facilitated by Xavier Sedó, member of the editorial advice of, The Economist in Catalonia. 

They are already desires on one hand of writing economic foolishness and for another desires of to take charge them that are written I believe that the illustrious economist that has signed this I articulate that I will rebut they will have paid him to make it if it is that will do everybody he is entitled to be earned a living, if it is not this way and he has written it because it is their real way to see the economy, sad favor is done and I eat not here he has me to contradict me if he wants to maintain it.  

I don't want to enter a lot in the political part with which it introduces the topic because I believe that in that he still goes but lost that in the economy undoubtedly not alone the Catalan and all Spain vote the constitution already 35 years ago and that it is maybe that for you and others that think a sentence of irrevocable death that is the one equally in route to that that action us eta taking,  

This Constitution just as he says in their writing it doesn't contemplate a parceled sovereignty neither the right to decide the self-determination of a region unilaterally because it proclaims that the sovereignty relapses in the entirety of the Spanish town. But neither it contemplates 27 % unemployment with more than 7, 5 million people affected in more or less measure, neither it contemplates the attack of the conscience and the education, Catalan, neither the ribbon and it loosens on the abortion, neither the flight of companies of young neither it contemplates the presumed salvaged of robberies, embezzlements and grafts of political to the government's front and governments banks and savings banks, among other things.  

It is not certain that the Catalan politicians Generalitat or Parlament have not outlined modification undoubtedly some in a formal way they have proposed it as much in Madrid as in the parliament but another thing is that he wants to get lost the time in it because he will know you that neither the PP neither the PSOE want a single point of this constitution that one has come to be to move but rigid that the last dictatorship. He says you that he would suit to remember this fundamental fact in the argument and debates on the part of those that don't accept the independent and less still like he is thinking about this it is in fact what they are making hide and to be protected after the constitution. 

I don't want neither to comment the national feeling that redounds in your comment that it is the citizens' the obligation to accept the Constitution and of the State to make it complete democratically through their Institutions and Authorities elects. And the Government of the Nation assumes this command, as it could not be otherwise. The own Constitution establishes the procedure to continue for its reformation, but the secessionists of CDC and ERC they don't contemplate this road for its aspirations and if they make it PSOE and PSC proposing a model federalist. This is it that before told him this is not to apply the constitution with freedom and accommodation this is to throw you the constitution to the head and if it is not enough and it doesn't kill you they already sent you the army if he decides. 

I don't know from where it takes out you that: - It seems clear that most of the Catalan town is totally misinformed on what would be the independent Catalonia, because nobody proposes him this reflection. In their place, you appeals to the national feelings, to glean victim in a history falsified, to improvised declarations and not very solvent and to promote festival manifestations that demonstrate the political will of deviating the attention on the terrible autonomous administration attributing it to other people's guilt’s, with the lure of an independence that is not explained with seriousness. And, unfortunately, it also demonstrates the popular immaturity that you points blindly to any to flame of flags that it is not that of Spain. You don't have neither he devises of the social movements that move in Catalonia in towns city councils entities etc. where it is explained that we want and that we would get with our independence. 

Nevertheless if you want to criticize us for lack of information because you don't criticize same and to their dear Spain that doesn't explain to their society that if Catalonia leaves Spain it can be so unbalanced economically that the risk runs of falling to unsuspected limits of poverty because he doesn't explain to them that today they maintain Spain Madrid and Catalonia and that if it fails a, it is 50% what really gets lost for that reason here if he has space its comments - Those that quietly they don't participate of this secessionist fervor neither of gratuitous euphoria’s questions are asked that at the moment nobody outlines and, therefore, nobody answers - but it doesn't direct them to us to the Catalan but to the Spaniards that don't have neither he devises of what you are played.  

And you ask: What treatment would an independent Catalonia give the Catalan that wanted to continue being Spanish, maintaining its residence in Catalonia? Because the same one of which enjoys any European foreigner that lives their children studies he goes to the hospital it charges their salary and he leaves vacations to their town every year, as for of rights and duties, to physicality for that he shows off that it would be very high, and to the Social security, if it was transferred him. Of who and what guarantees they would aid the medical and social benefits and the collection of their pensions 

The question is not unconscious and does he come to story for the very precarious financial situation of Catalonia whose current public debt overcome the 50.000 millions of and ascending, with a qualification of Voucher garbage, which suggests expectations of high types of interest on the part of the markets, if they lent us that would already see. At the moment, it is easier and cheaper to appeal Spain that is already the main worthy of the Catalan debt (34%). Exact at the moment but because it doesn't continue for the logical road of the figures you point next. 

But it is that, also, in a supposition independent Catalan State, to the autonomous current debt he would be necessary to add the aliquot part that would correspond him of the Spanish public debt in the moment of the separation - at the moment it already fences of the 900.000 millions of and that some experts calculate between 100 or 110 thousand additional millions. In total, the debt public initial for the independent Catalonia is considered that it could be very well of the order of the 150/160.000 million Eurus I see that if he knows how to see the numbers I agree on them but friend you don't interpret them well you will do a new Catalonia with a debt of 160.000 million Eurus and a GDP of 190.000 (I am pessimistic) it is that he has a smaller debt percentage that the remaining Spain you make numbers  

Catalonia would spread a debt that would mean 81.2%. Spain its Spain would have a debt of 1, 000,000 less millions the 160,000 that Catalonia would assume, 840.000 million Eurus what would mean that with a GDP of 980,000 less millions the 190,000 millions that he would no longer receive from Catalonia would go down the GDP to 790,000 but let us leave them in 800,000 so that this is not said he gives that the Spain would be a country with an equivalent sovereign debt to 100% of the GDP so who serious but garbage  

There is not any fear of the reflexive Catalan to see committed their future, their work positions, their investments, their savings, he even can that their bank balances are in europa and in the century 21 thing that you seem to forget, and of course we are clever to support a fiscal pressure that would be no bigger than the current one and to have some managerial expectations of great uncertainty, it seems quite justified to think that there would be some of good and others of bad you don't doubt it. 

Until here I arrive, I don't want to enter in considerations of the UE neither of the BCE in those that you extend very apocalyptically but for the same thing that you refer that they have not been pronounced in anything concrete I tell to you that with the numbers in the hand and being Catalonia net taxpayer to the funds of the UE would not leave us outside a lot of time the just to for the paper work and regarding euro this but that known that you could work with him. Anything but alone to wish us to all independent and not a happy one and I prosper year 2014, and don't worry but please don't say more lies neither scare the children more.