martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


The minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, he/she said this Monday that the independence of Catalonia would suppose to "put an end to Spain", since he could not "survive" in the euro, and it has assured that for the Catalan "neither Spain is the problem, neither the independence the solution". Curious appreciations on the part of one of the hardest centrists in the PP to recognize that Spain without the Catalan contribution could not be sustained in the economy euro it is a concession that he didn't wait but it is that he adds that "a hypothetical independence of Catalonia would not mean to take out Catalonia of Spain, but putting an end to Spain, because Spain doesn't make sense without Catalonia", and you continues a Spain he cannot conceive without Catalonia, it would be a radically different" reality, "Catalonia it is not an extremity that you can start up of the trunk." 

Certainly gleaned very special and with double and triple readings or interpretations their tactics is to try to make two things to praise the competitor and to communicate him that he doesn't go it is necessary to get its end, because it is impossible practically, Gallardón has noticed that the Catalan secessionist process would have some consequences economic "preoccupants", with a setback that would be prolonged during generations, this is to say it exposed it in the Circle of economy going to managers and outstanding professionals  

This is the national government's tactics to create concern among the managers 

The minister of Justice that there is sleepless that many of the diners have also shown him their concern for the consequences of the debate soberness opened up in Catalonia, it has also alerted that it would be a "error" to think that with the independence the economic problems of Catalonia would be solved. Gallardón that has taken advantage in several occasions the threat of the Constitution like guarantee of the unit of Spain, has stressed that the best structures of State for the Catalan are those that provides them the Spanish State, I don't understand how before what is spending they dare to lie this way so vast. 

For the minister that continuous speaking I believe that for silly with that that shamelessly was laughing there of those present it exposed that although Spain is a small country (is the 4ª in euro zone) he has a "enough" dimension so that its structures can defend the interests of all the Spaniards equally, for that reason, the state that he needs and that Catalonia claims to defend their interests, it is and he has to be Spanish, Gallardón has pointed out that has sustained that the Catalan society would be "never" better defended " by a smaller" state that Spanish, incredible it is that Catalonia Mister Gallardón doesn't want to be protected by another state, Catalonia wants to be protected itself by means of a state free and democratic Catalan, that is to say Catalonia wants to defend with its own state, so difficult it is to understand it. 

And already like a lack of inconceivable respect that sincerely don't know if I of having been present have tolerated, I point that the solution not to go to "be smaller", but to "be better, for what the aspiration of Catalonia would not have to be to "leave Spain", but "leading Spain". Mr. Minister of justice mentions me you how many Catalan government presidents there has been in Spain, how many Catalan minister there have been in the governments from Spain, how many ministries they are located in Catalonia that seeks now to sell us. 

For the minister, the current one debates soberness in Catalonia he is born of the economic crisis and of the errors of the previous governments, especially of the tripartite one, for what considers that the answer has to be to return to the principles of the catalane you can me to say that you understand when from the Catalan society own sovereignty is requested where he wants to leave it is not about another thing that to recapture the values and the Catalan own identity, because the Spanish identity is very undoubtedly, it doesn't defend us but rather it annuls us and it empties us of content and of all that can. 

According to Ruiz-Gallardón, the catalanismo historically has been linked with the stages of economic strength, while the soberanismo has grown in times of economic crisis, in the face of the "inability" of the responsible politicians of finding solutions, indeed but he forgets to say that they are the responsible Spanish politicians, those that don't find the solutions to leave this situation, because Catalonia and its politicians are not sovereign of making neither of deciding what to make, and that is it that the Catalan society the demand now, full responsibility so that they cannot slip but hiding among Spanish potato's legs. 

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